Ontario High School Diploma or Equivalent

Note: This chart offers some common pathways to the goal, but is not exhaustive. Other pathways may be possible.

Other Credit Program Information

Internationally Educated Teachers Certificate Co-op Program The Emery Adult Learning Centre has a co-operative education program where internationally educated and trained teachers enter the work force on a volunteer basis in order to gain some valuable Canadian work experience. Tuesdays through Fridays, the students will be in an elementary or secondary school working with a teacher mentor.

Eligibility: 21+; possession of proof of being an Internationally Trained Teacher

Levels: Must be "credit ready" (i.e. demonstrate grade 9 level academic proficiency or higher) as defined by the service delivery agency.

Cost: Fees are dependent on service delivery site policy (tuition is not charged for credit courses, but refundable materials and other administrative fees may be charged; see links below for details)

Cost: Fees are dependent on service delivery site policy (tuition is not charged for credit courses, but refundable materials and other administrative fees may be charged; see links below for details)

Delivering Agencies:
Toronto District School Board (TDSB)

Emery Adult Learning Centre
(Students must be 21+ to attend this site)

Transition Resource Co-op
This program provides students with an opportunity to promote life skills for personal independence, develop work related skills and attitudes, develop a network of community resources for support and recreation as well as explore alternative strategies for individual learning needs. From this program, students may transition to employment, training, college vocational, apprenticeship and volunteerism.

Eligibility: 18-20 years of age

Levels: Must be "credit ready" (i.e. demonstrate grade 9 level academic proficiency or higher) as defined by the service delivery agency.


Cost: Fees are dependent on service delivery site policy (tuition is not charged for credit courses, but refundable materials and other administrative fees may be charged; see links below for details)

Delivering Agencies:
Toronto Catholic District School Board