

Pathways to employment are complex and different for each learner. Also, many of the pathways discussed on this site – Language Training, High School & Upgrading, College, University, and Apprenticeship – are ultimately taken on with a longer-term goal of employment. Despite the various learner profiles and mindsets that have been discussed on this site, it is impossible to fully define the employment needs of each learner that walks through our doors.

To assist Service Providers in facilitating a conversation regarding employment – and education & training needs necessary to reach employment – the researchers have provided a template worksheet for employment that Service Providers and learners can work on together to articulate client-specific academic needs that may need to addressed along the pathway to employment.

All pathways to employment – for this project – include talking to clients about the following learner needs:

For more detailed pathway and program information specifics, we ask that you access the pathway chart most applicable to the learner/client after discussing the learning needs referred to in the above chart.

Download the "Employment Template Worksheet" PDF