English Language Training

Note: This chart offers some common pathways to the goal, but is not exhaustive. Other pathways may be possible.

Enhanced Language Training (ELT)

The Enhanced Language Training (ELT) program provides newcomers with higher levels of language training in one of Canada's two official languages and the focus is on developing communication skills for the Canadian workplace. ELT helps newcomers improve their proficiency and confidence to more easily and quickly find and keep jobs for which they are qualified. Some ELT programs have bridge-to-work assistance, including mentorship, work placements and other employment help. Some ELT programs are job/industry specific and others are generic.

Internationally trained professionals who are:

Cost: Free (Funded by: Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC))

Delivering Agencies: Employers, educational institutions, non-governmental organizations, community agencies, and organizations that help newcomers.

The following service providers offer job-specific/sector-specific ELT classes:

Toronto York Region

Supports: Childminding and transportation allowance may be available to those who qualify.