University (No High School)

Note: This chart offers some common pathways to the goal, but is not exhaustive. Other pathways may be possible.

Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) Program

Program Description
The Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) Program is an upgrading program that helps adults improve their reading/writing, math and computer skills, while seeking to develop Essential Skills that adults require for work, further school/training and life.

Focus: The LBS Program focuses on developing foundational skills that prepare learners to transition to next steps related to their individual goals. The program prepares learners to move on to employment, apprenticeship, secondary school credit, postsecondary education, or independence. Learners also work with the program on creating individualized learner plans. Learning is organized around the following six competencies: Find and use information; communicate ideas and information; understand and use numbers; use digital technology; manage learning; engage with others.

The LBS Program encompasses four cultural streams: Native/First Nations; Francophone; Deaf/Deaf Blind and Anglophone. Program emphasis is often on learners who are on social assistance, unemployed, between the ages of 45-65, who have been out of training or education for 6 years or more, who have a history of interrupted education and who fit in one of the four cultural streams.

Adults: Delivering Agencies:
Delivery formats: (check with delivering agency)

To find an LBS class in Toronto and York Region, visit the Literacy Access Network (LAN) program map or call the LAN hotline at (416) 961-5557.

The LBS Program is funded by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (TCU) and falls under the Employment Ontario training umbrella.

Fees: FREE

The LearningHUB offers online Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) upgrading through flexible learning options. Registered learners across Ontario have the following options for online study:

The LearningHUB is available to adult learners who prefer to learn using technology in a supported classroom environment and designed for those unable to attend face to face upgrading due to personal barriers, such as scheduling, transportation, childcare or personal preference.

Those wishing to register must have: